22. dets 2009

JK Tln. Kalevi info: Soome laager

Viimane kuupäev Soome laagrisse registreerimiseks oli 14.12. Selle kuupäeva seisuga saatsin ära ka meie esialgse osalejate nimekirja, kuhu sain märkida 48 poisi nimed, kes oma kaasatulekust mulle õigel ajal märku andsid. Praeguseks on avaldanud soovi kaasa sõita 54 poissi. Kas
leidub veel "viimase hetke" teatajaid, et oskaksin arvestada grupi suurusega? Praegu on lapsed, kes mulle hiljem märku andsid, joone all, kuid loodetavasti saame kaasata kõik huvilised. Siiani on väga palju lapsevanemaid, kes pole öelnud EI ega JAH vastust laagri kohta.
Täpsem info Soome laagri kohta jõuab Teieni selle nädala jooksul.
Alljärgnev informatsioon puudutab vaba aja veetmise võimalusi Piispalas ja nende maksumusi. Meile pakutakse järgmisi võimalusi:
Here you have the list of activities available during your stay:

- Swimming pool 2,5 € / person / 1,5 h (open at least on January 5th and 7th during your stay)
- Bowling 2 € / person during the opening hours (open at least on January 5th and 7th during your stay), outside opening hours + 30 € instructor fee
- Curling 2 € / person + 30 € ice rink fee and 30 € instructor fee
- Archery 30 € / hour (instructor fee)
- Snowshoes 30 € /hour (instructor fee)
- Sledding 30 € /hour (instructor fee)
- Ice fishing 30 € /hour (instructor fee)
- Sculpting snow 30 € /hour (instructor fee)
- Indoor/outdoor games or gym with instructor 30 € /hour (instructor fee)
- Climbing outdoors (ice wall) 20 €/group or indoors 15 € / group + 30 € instructor fee / hour
- if your group is interested in arts and crafts, you can choose from T-shirt printing, graphics, sculpting soapstone amulets or jewelstones, photography, friendship ribbons, theatre make-up etc. The material costs are between 1-5 € (T-shirt is 5 €, the rest is less) and the instructor fee 30 € / hour.
The basic equipment, such as the gym and the hall for indoor sports you can use for free during your stay. In case your boys want to go skating (if I recall, there is can open shift on the 5th, the fee is 1 €/person) or cross-country skiing (no charge), we recommend bringing own equipment. We only have a few pairs of skis to lend and the skates/sizes might not be enough for the whole group.
I suggest we make a more detailed programme for your camp on Monday, starting from your arrival until your departure. It is a short time you stay and I think there are things you should experience. As a welcoming offer we want to give you a programme instruction for free: choose from curling, archery, bowling, snowshoes, sledding, ice fishing, snow sculpting, indoor/outdoor games or climbing and we will place it in your programme, the only charge is material costs (as in crafts), if there are any. Archery for example is a very popular activity among our groups!

treener Paul Kask

PS google tõlge